May - November 1881


Journal of Johannes Kornelis van Dijk
Constructor from Ferwerd


Upon the completion of the genealogy of the family of Johannes K. Van Dyk, in the spring of 1981, it is planned to publish the report of his trip to America at the same time. This spring it will be exactly a century ago that Grandpa Van Dyk spent a half-year in America. He wrote a detailed account of that trip, which is very interesting to read after 100 years. It is our good fortune to have both writings copied in his own handwriting. Our thanks to all who have made it possible for this booklet to be presented to the nephews and nieces on July 4, 1981.

June 1981,
                  H. P. Hyma
                 (Hein Pieters Hijma, red)

Translated by Egbert Roelof Post, Grand Rapids
(1896 - 1993)

English version contributed by:
Heritage Hall of Calvin College Archives, Grand Rapids

Johannes Kornelis van Dijk
1856 - 1945

to the journal